Sunday, December 21, 2008

Christmas Party

Este findi foi muito divertido! Mamae, papai e eu fomos a uma festinha de natal na casa da Tia Ana Paula e tio Rudy. Izzy esta la tbem e nos brincamos a noite inteira.
Eu ganhei uma mini casinha da tia Renata e uma barbie da Tia Ana Paula... e esse foi so o comeco... mal posso esperar pelo dia de Natal...hihihi!

In English:
This weekend was a lot of fun! My mommy, daddy and i went to a Christmas party. Izzy was there and we played all night! I got a dolly house from TIA Renata and a barbie from TIA Ana Paula . Can't wait until Xmas... 4 more days...hahaha

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Papai Noel esta chegando...

Dois sabados atras, eu, Izzy, tia Renata e tio Dan fomos a festinha da Union pra celebrar o Natal e rever o Velhinho mais cute e charmoso do mundo...
... Aquele que vem todos os anos presentear as criancas "boazinhas" e trazer um pouco de magia ao nosso mundo...
.. Pois eh! Ele mesmo: Papai Noel!
Foi muito divertido! A gente chegou la por volta das 10:00 da manha e ficamos numa fila enorme ate podermos entrar e tirar foto com ele (mas valeu a pena)...
Muita pipoca, cookies e donuts durante o percurso, foi o que nos sustentou ate o final da jornada, e quando chegamos la...tiramos fotos com ele e eu ganhei um jogo bem legal.
A Izzy ganhou uma boneca da Barbie e o Tio Dan providenciou cachorrinho feito de bexigas e outras coisinhas pra alegrar ainda mais o nosso dia!
Depois de tanta farra, fomos ao Parquinho interno onde corremos, pulamos e brincamos por mais de 4 horas...
Ufa.. vcs nao imaginam o meu dia! Haja energia!
Como eh bom ser crianca!

In English:
Aunt Renata and Uncle Dan took me and Izzy to see Santa Claus at the Union Christmas Party (where daddy and uncle Dan work).
It was so much fun! We got there around 10:00 am and we stayed in line for a little while 'til we got to Santa...
Mean while I got a tattoo and facing painting (Izzy was a little scared), but I am a big girl and nothing really scares me.
By the time we got there, I was a little hungry, but they kept us with lots of cookies, popcorn and donuts! Hummm...
Santa was so cute! He gave me a nice game and told me how "good girl" I was during the year!
Izzy got a barbie (I was wondering if she was a good girl, but I guess she was, otherwise, Santa wouldn't gave her a gift right?) lolol..
After that, Uncle Dan took us to a Kids Playground and then, I really can say we had fun!
We played for more than 4 hours and you can not imagine how tired I was at the end of the day!
Well, it was a wonderful saturday!
Thank you Tia Renata and tio Dan.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Weekend with my cousins

This weekend was a lot of fun, my cousins came over and spent 2 nights at my house. We had a great time, we played Wii ( my dad's new toy ), went shopping, played doctor's, dentist, colored, and we went see the movie Bolt 3D ( so cute ) . It's always
so nice to see them! Can't wait until next time.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

I love to Dance!

Voces sabiam que adoro dancar? Pois e, principalmente quando escuto musica classica,( minha preferida ) , nao resisto! Danco e faco a maior pose! Adoro dancar em casa, de vez em quando minha mamae e meu daddy ficam sentados no sofa so me assistindo e depois que acabo eles ficam aplaudindo, e o maximo!

IN ENGLISH: Did you guys Know that i love to dance? Oh yeah! Specially when i listen to classical music ( my favorite ), i can't resist! Usually i dance at home for my mommy and daddy, and i like even more when they clap for me.


Meu halloween foi muito legal! Na escola, ganhei o concurso de pumpkin como a mais scary de todas da minha classe, fiquei toda feliz, depois fui trick or treat,fantasiada de pricessa Belle da disney, muito FUN! ganhei muita bala, chocolate, tudo que tenho direito, adorei! Meu papai me levou esse ano, pois a minha mamae nao estava se sentindo muito bem, eu e Izzy nos divertimos muito, e depois no dia seguinte fui na minha escola,fantasiada de gatinha, mas chegando la, a festa ja tinha terminado! Mas nao fiquei triste nao! Mesmo assim, minha mae me levou no parquinho um pouquinho e brinquei do mesmo jeito! Bom, e isso, nao vejo a hora de chegar o meu Holiday favorito, o Natal! Ja ate fiz a minha cartinha para o papai noel e disse a ele que fui uma meninha muito obidiente esse ano! Ate la!

IN ENGLISH: My halloween was so much fun! I won the pumpkin contest at school, my teacher said it was the scariest one, maybe because it had so many bugs on it? LOL! I was so happy! Later my daddy took me trick or treating and i had a blast! I got lot of candies, good enough for the whole year. The next day, i went to my school where they were having a party,( i was dressed as a cat ) but guess what? we got there late, the party was over, but i wasn't sad, my mommy took me to the playground and it was a lot of fun. Now i can't wait for my next favorite holiday: Christmas! and i already wrote a letter to Santa saying i was a really good girl this year!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Me preparando para o Halloween

Hoje foi um dia muito legal, minha amiguinha Victoria veio na minha casa pra brincar comigo, nao deu outra, fizemos uma bagunca, ficamos la na casa da Nilda ( ela mora na casa debaixo da minha ), pois a minha mae nao estava se sentindo muito bem! WE HAD A GREAT TIME! Tia Nilda me levou pra comprar minha pumpkin e quando cheguei em casa, minha mae me ajudou na decoracao, essa vai pra minha escola, acho que a minha professora vai levar um susto quando ver, pois coloquei um montei de bicho! Nao vejo a hora de chegar o Halloween, faltam 2 dias!

ENGLISH: Today was so much fun! My friend Victoria came over and we had a blast! My mommy and i decorated this pumpkin to bring to my school, they'll have a contest and i hope to win, i have the most scary pumpkin, i think my teacher will be scared, i decorated with a lot of....BUGS! LOL

Monday, October 13, 2008

Dia de muito fun!

Foi muito divertido! Esse domingo minha mamae e meu daddy decidiram me levar ao zoologico, minha madrinha Renata e Izzy foram com a gente, titio Daniel nao pode ir, estava trabalhando. Foi muito gostoso, andei de ponei e ate de elefante, e nem fiquei com medo! Vi um monte de bichinhos, leao, girafa,papagaio,uma tartaruga gigante, macaco, e muito mais! Eu e Izzy tivemos o melhor dia das criancas, e para melhorar, dormi na casa da madrinha Renata, brinquei muito e ainda por cima dormi no meio dos dois kakakaka! Que pena que acabou tao rapido, nao vejo a hora de ter mais um passeio manero desse!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Meu novo hobby: Ginastica Olimpica

Esse ano estou fazendo varias descobertas e estou curtindo todas! Depois de 2 anos de ballet, desisti e me interessei pela ginastica olimpica, minha mae quer que eu faca os dois, mas acho a ginastica mais divertida, estou ADORANDO! E muito legal, faco cambalhotas, pulo no trampolim, tem pula-pula, e mais um monte de coisas, toda semana aprendo algo diferente e como praticar faz com que a gente fique bom, quando chego em casa, fico pulando e fazendo cambalhotas no me colchao.

In English:
I am enjoying all the moments of my life lately. Things got really cool this year. I guess it is because I am getting older and the older I got, the coolest the things I get to do!
After 2 years doing ballet, I gave up on it and started to be interested in Gymnastics. My mom really think I should do both (of course she does! or she wouldn't be my mom - hihihi!), but, I personally like the gymnastics better. I love all those crazy steps they do, jump on the trampolim (it's one of my favorites) and a bunch of other things that I get to learn every week.
When I get home, I feel like I need to practice to get even better, so, that's what I do every day when I come home... jump jump and jump everywhere I can!!!!

Ida a biblioteca

Esse ano foi a primeira vez que fui a biblioteca, fica bem pertinho da minha escola, entao 2 vezes na semana, vou com a minha mae pegar uns livros, pois adoro uma boa historinha antes de dormir. Eu amei! Tem muitos livros e as vezes nem sei qual escolher! Nao vejo a hora de aprender a ler, acho que vai ser logo, logo, afinal ja estou no kindegarden. As vezes, pego um livro e fico "lendo" sozinha, meu papai e minha mamae falam que e muito bom ler, mas o que mais gosto mesmo e quando ele leem pra mim!

The library is very close to my school and I got to go for the first time this year.
What a blast!
My mom take me twice a week to the library and I get to choose the books, and I look so much forward to bed time when I get the chance to hear a nice story before I go to sleep.
I really enjoy the library! there are so many options, so many books that I get myself all confused - it's really hard to decide...
I can't wait to learn how to read, mommy and daddy always tell me how important and good for me is the habit to read books - I can understand that, and I am sincerely looking forward for that moment. I believe it will happen soon, once I am already in the kindergarden...
... Well, no matter when it will happen, I am glad I have mommy and daddy who read for me every time I want...
(I really like that!!!!)

Brincando de princesa

Nos dias de chuva como foi o caso desse ultimo final de semana, ficamos em casa, entao tenho que inventar coisas pra fazer, eu e mamae brincamos de princesa, ela me pintou, colocou um colar e brincos bem bonito, depois fiz uma maquiagem bem bonita nela tambem! Enquanto isso, meu papai tava trabalhando na casa pra ficar pronta logo, ate que ajudei ele um pouquinho...

In English:
Last weekend was a very raining weekend, so, we all decided to stay home.
Mommy and I played together and I was a very beautiful princess. Mommy got me dressed up like a princess, made a very nice make - up, some earings and a very cool necklace completed my outfit and bum! I became a real PRINCESS!
I also helped mommy with a make-up by Julia Gagnon (really pretty actually) and we had an incredible time!
In the mean time, daddy worked very hard in the house trying to get it ready for us! We can't wait ! I even helped him a little bit!
Thank you daddy for such hard work!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Letter to Juju on her 5th birthday, from mommy

I sit here and think back to the morning you were born. You tucked away within my body, just the two of us. We shared private moments that no one else could take part in. A mother/daughter bond created even before we laid eyes on one another.
I knew you were coming that morning you were born, five years ago.My body knew and it gave me signs all night. I reveled in the thought that I would soon hold you in my arms. I stayed at home for as long as I possible, knowing I wanted to have you to myself just for a bit longer.
You are not the most patient child, never have been, so it's no surprise that my labor with you was extremely fast and hard. Once you decided you wanted to see the world, there was no slowing you down. I nearly had you at home! My body and I worked together like magic, and birthing you gave me one of the MOST empowering and uplifting experiences of my life. Not only you were born that morning, but something within ME, a feeling of pure strength and empowerment that I've never before felt in my life, was also born that morning.
When they laid you against my chest I looked down at your angelic plump face and thanked God, I felt the presence of my mother wrapped around the both of us, my heart was bursting with love and it was as if you and I had known each other all of our lives.
As you grow and experience life, I want you to remember who you are and where you came from . Remember that you are strong and you can accomplish anything no matter how long the roads to your goals look. Nothing is impossible , always have faith and stay true to yourself. Be confident and take pride in who you are, but also stay level headed. Remember that everyone is different and different is beautiful, you will realize that beauty will get you many things but always remember that the inner beauty you hold within is the MOST powerful and what will make you the MOST beautiful. Be kind and compassionate, not only to everything around you, but also to yourself. Stay safe and treat your body as a temple.
LAUGH! Oh do laugh! Your giggle is just one of the many things I love so much about you, the room lights up when you laugh and my heart sings.
Dream big! Dream colorful! Dream magic! Dream beyond the stars! Everything big starts as something small!

Happy birthday my sweet Julia,
Your mother.

Thursday, September 11, 2008


Meu primeiro dia na escola foi super legal, claro minha mamae e meu daddy estavam la comigo, dando a maior forca, e olha que nem chorei, fui uma BIG GIRL! Logo depois que mamae e dadddy foram embora, fui logo apresentada aos meus novos amiguinhos, brincamos no playground, colorimos e minha professora Ms Crocker ( que e muito legal ) contou uma historinha pra gente, fomos a cafeteria, comemos nosso lanchinho ( o meu favorito e salgadinho e paozinho com manteiga, eu adoro!), voltamos para a sala de aula aprendemos a letra A e logo depois minha mamae foi me buscar. Estou adorando a minha nova escola esse ano, e muito divertido, so nao gosto de acordar tao cedinho! Beijos!

In English:
My first day at school was very nice! Mommy and Daddy were there with me and it made all the difference.
I didn't cry or got upset, I acted just like a BIG GIRL!
As soon as daddy and mommy left the school, I was introduced to my new friends. We played in the playground and we colored some books.
I loved my new teacher (ms Crocker). She is very cool and I really enjoyed a story she read to us on our first day!
After all that, we went to the Cafeteria where I had my favorite thing to eat (bread with butter, I really love it!).
Once in our classroom, we learned how to make the letter A - It was really fun and I think I did a great job on that.
Mommy and and daddy came to pick me up and I told them all my adventures at school...
... I am enjoying the school so much and I am really looking forward to many more days to come!

*A Little Confession:
I loved everything about my new school, except for the fact I need to wake up soooo early... sniff, sniff...
By: Juju*


Jantar fora com daddy e mommy eh muito bom... mas quando tem a Isabella pra dar aquele toque especial eh ainda melhor...


Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Ela fez 5 aninhos no dia 8 de agosto (PARABENS JUJU) e a festinha foi MA-RA-VI-LHO-SA!
O batismo foi no dia seguinte e tbem foi lindo... Cerimonia privada (so pra familia e os pradrinhos) coisa chique mesmo!!!
As fotos ai gente!!!
Beijo no coracao!
In English:

Juju's Baptism was so beautiful and so emotional!
Private Cerimony only for the family and Godparents. We really enjoyed every minute of it and we are very happy for being chose to be her GODPARENTS! WE LOVE YOU JUJU!


Genteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee... Voces nao imaginam meu ORGULHO de ver minha JUJU num espetaculo de Balet...
Chorei mesmo (sem vergonha)... mentira: fiquei com um pouco de vergonha sim.. principalmente quando uma louca desvairada ao meu lado, amiga nossa, comecou a gritar:
Gente, que coisa! Esse povo nao tem modos mesmo...Em pleno espetaculo de Balet, chiquerrimo e gritando assim.. so podia ser coisa de Brasileiro ne?
... Ta bom...confesso... fui eu mesma que gritou e dai? Foi + forte que eu! Nao consegui me controlar... Ela tava muito linda Gentee.. Dancando como uma verdadeira PRINCESA!
Izzy nao parava de perguntar se podia ir no palco dancar com ela... perdi quase o espetaculo inteiro tentando explicar que nao podia.. tem que ter roupa especial.. saber a coreografia... fazer parte da escolinha de Balet... O menininha dura de entender as coisas...viu?
Voces precisavam estar la pra ver... Telmita, parecia a MAE DA NOIVA, literalmente... MAE DA NOIVA... chorando, toda nervosa, arrepiada... alegre, andando pra la e pra ca tentando ter tudo "under control".... O pai... todo orgulhoso, sentou e com a Maquina fotografica chiqueterrima.. ficou tirando fotos da Filhinha...nem se deu ao luxo de levantar e ir perto do palco pra tirar... (nao precisou gente... a maquina eh chiquerrima como ja disse e nao tem necessidade ...)Oh mundo cruel...
No final da apresentacao, ganhou flores e uma coroa linda do papai e da mamae, da tia Renata ganhou um colar com um pingente de sapatilha de balet (tem cabimento isso gente)? Parecia gente grande mesmo... Olha a foto ai proces verem...
Escrito por: Renata Wilson (a Madrinha).


What a Great Saturday! you guys have no idea how PROUD I am of Juju.

It was unbelievable!
Yes I cried! I cried like a baby-lol! And I wasn't ashamed of it!
Just kidding: I got a little embarrassed - I am human! I couldn't control myself, I got so emotional... It's like... I dont' know... she was just born the other day... Now, here we are... at her Recital* - It was too much for my butter heart.
All of sudden a crazy lady started to scream: JULIAAAAAAA, JUJUUUU , WE LOVE YOU!
Jesus Christ, what's wrong with these people? Not even in a fancy place like this, can people behave? Screaming like kids.. lol

Anyway, Telmita was so out of her mind... She was acting like she was THE MOTHER OF THE BRIDE... Can you guys believe that? She got nervous, she cried, she was so proud of her little Girl - you could tell, by looking at her eyes...
After the recital, she got her TROPHY.
Mommy and Daddy gave her flowers and a Crown (how adorable is that?). Auntie Renata and Izzy gave her a Ballet Necklace and she was so proud of herself, you should have seen her.
her great Daddy was there, sitting, very laid back, appreciating every move of his little Princess..
He didn't even need to go to the stage (his fancy Camera did all the work for him)...
I am sure he tried to keep himself together, but inside of him dear friends... He wanted to Scream: " JUJU WE LOVE YOU.... JUUUUUUUU..." just like the crazy lady I was talking about.
Allright, I was the crazy lady. And What?
Written by: Renata Wilson - The GODMOTHER*