Sunday, November 9, 2008


Meu halloween foi muito legal! Na escola, ganhei o concurso de pumpkin como a mais scary de todas da minha classe, fiquei toda feliz, depois fui trick or treat,fantasiada de pricessa Belle da disney, muito FUN! ganhei muita bala, chocolate, tudo que tenho direito, adorei! Meu papai me levou esse ano, pois a minha mamae nao estava se sentindo muito bem, eu e Izzy nos divertimos muito, e depois no dia seguinte fui na minha escola,fantasiada de gatinha, mas chegando la, a festa ja tinha terminado! Mas nao fiquei triste nao! Mesmo assim, minha mae me levou no parquinho um pouquinho e brinquei do mesmo jeito! Bom, e isso, nao vejo a hora de chegar o meu Holiday favorito, o Natal! Ja ate fiz a minha cartinha para o papai noel e disse a ele que fui uma meninha muito obidiente esse ano! Ate la!

IN ENGLISH: My halloween was so much fun! I won the pumpkin contest at school, my teacher said it was the scariest one, maybe because it had so many bugs on it? LOL! I was so happy! Later my daddy took me trick or treating and i had a blast! I got lot of candies, good enough for the whole year. The next day, i went to my school where they were having a party,( i was dressed as a cat ) but guess what? we got there late, the party was over, but i wasn't sad, my mommy took me to the playground and it was a lot of fun. Now i can't wait for my next favorite holiday: Christmas! and i already wrote a letter to Santa saying i was a really good girl this year!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Que menina mais linda, amei todas as fotos e principalmente a JUJU ela esta simplesmente bela. Parabens mamae e papai por esta perola de Jesus!!